This file is run every time you start up a cshell while working. The .cshrc file sets many of the variables that determine how the UNIX environment behaves. The .cshrc file is located in your home directory. To see it, enter your home directory, and type 'ls -a', for a listing of all files in the directory. To view it's contents, type 'more .cshrc'. This example is fully commented and explains what each command does.
This program executes its commands upon login, but is dormant after the first execution. The commands added in here should be ones needed at login, but not in every instance of a shell, such as terminal settings, mail checks, etc.
To learn more about either of these files, click here.
The .sig file allows you to place a personalized end message to your emailings. Mail utilities use the .sig file, and place it at the end of every message you send out.