Having connected with your Netmar account, you should now see two lists of files on your screen. On your left will be the local machine, and on your right will be your Netmar home directory. To transfer files either direction simply highlight the file and click on the appropriate arrow key between the windows. To switch between ascii and binary modes, click on the ascii or binary buttons which are just under the file lists. Changing directories is done with the ChDir button, and listing files is done automatically.
FTP via a UNIX shell
In a sense, this is the simplest of the ftp methods described here. You start in your home directory. You can change directories by using the "cd" command,but you cannot view or edit files. To download a file, type "get filename" where filename is the name of the file you want. To upload, type "send filename". To change between ascii and binary modes, type "ascii" or "binary". To list the files in the current directory, type "ls".
FTP via Compuserve and AOL
Once you have connected via Compuserve's FTP service, you should see two file windows. These are setup just like file manager, with the directories on the left and files on the right. To select a file click on its checkbox. You can then view or retrieve it using the buttons under the window. To change directories, either double-click on the directory that you wish to enter, or click on it once and click on the Select button under the window. The Back button will take you back to the previous directory, while the Top button will take to the top of the directory tree. Leave will exit the FTP service.
AOL is also fairly user-friendly. Once you have connected to your Netmar account, you will see all the files in your home directory listed in the window. To download, select the file and click on download. To upload, click on the upload button. Double-click on the directory to change directories.