- SSL Secure Server - implement secure pages that can't be viewed in transit, and secure forms where information can be returned encrypted
- Imagemaps - create a graphical HTML imagemap to insert in your pages
CGI Scripts - write and post your own CGI scripts
- Mail Script - have filled in HTML forms emailed directly to you
- Server Side Includes
- Access Configuration - setup username/password based access to sets of pages
Virtual Servers - gives the appearance of your own computer connected to the Internet
- Email Aliasing - setup your own email address aliases
- Default Standard Error File - customize your Virtual Server's error document
- Java Servlets - run server side java through Apache Jserv
SSL Secure Server
Your Netmar account gives you unlimited access to Netmar's SSL secure server. To access a document through SSL, simply address it as follows:
OR -
is your login name (in lowercase), and file.html is the file located in your "www" directory.
Any other items reference in this file with relative links also go through the secure server. This includes CGI scripts as well. So if the file were an HTML form, and the action were just "/cgi-bin/...", then that script would be called securely.
On pages referenced AFTER a secure transaction, BE SURE to use absolute links to point the browser back to an http:// address (instead of staying on https://) as otherwise, browsers will continue to browse your site over the secure server, which is considerably slower than plain access due to the overhead of processing encryption.
Creating imagemaps is an easy way to make your web page more interesting without having to expend a lot of effort or become entangled in complex technical issues. An imagemap consists of two files - a graphic file which forms the backdrop for the map and the map file which points the different parts of the image to different URL's.
You can designate any image as an imagemap by inserting the ISMAP keyword in your IMG tag, and enclosing the tag inside of an anchor that point to your map file.
For an example, and detailed instructions on setting up your map file, look at the manual page for imagemap.
CGI Scripts
CGI scripts have been the subject of many misunderstandings among those who are new to the 'net as well many who are more experienced. CGI stands for common gateway interface, and it is just that - a gateway for certain html documents to pass information to programs which can process it and return data that can be viewed by a web browser.
Your Netmar account gives you access to several general-purpose CGI script which are commonly used, as well as allowing to upload or create your own CGI scripts through the use of the cgiwrap program, which, as the name implies, wraps itself around the scripts in a user's directory, allowing these scripts to run as if the user had run them directly.
To run a CGI script located in your cgi-bin directory (just off your home directory), you execute the following URL:
is your login name (in lowercase), and SCRIPTNAME
is the name of the script located in your cgi-bin directory. You may substitute your own Virtual Server's domain name for netmar.com in the above example.
For more details on the various features of CGI scripting, please see the cgiwrap System Manual Page.
One useful script is our SecureCard system, which allows for secure transmission of credit card information across the World Wide Web.
If you would like to learn how to write CGI scripts, or are having problems getting yours to work properly, you might want to take a look at this CGI Primer.
Since the hardest part of a CGI script is the actual handling of form data, we have included a couple of links to sites that have information regarding form data.
If you are familiar with programming in C, check out Brant Sear's guide to CGI Scripting in C.
If you use PERL, check out this guide by Meng Weng Wong.
Mail Script
If you're looking to turn the output of an HTML form into email, then go no further than the system-wide mail script.
Netmar offers one of the most robust and feature-laden FORM-to-Email gateway programs available anywhere on the Internet. The Mail script can process the output of an HTML form, check it against a set of rules to determine whether or not it should be accepted, convert into one or more formatted email messages, and return a formatted response to the browser, complete with data from the form embedded within. It can then repost all of the given data to ANOTHER script for special processing. If that sounds like too much, and you just want to mail a simple form, it can do that too. The Mail script is available by setting your FORM ACTION tag equal to "/cgi-bin/mail"
In addition, there are a number of special variables which tell the script how to operate.
Here is a sample form that demonstrates use of all of the mail script's features. Feel free to save and reuse it.
Here are the other files that would go with that form:
- mailform.etemp - Used to create the formatted email message.
- mailform.phtml - Shown after successful post.
- no_name.phtml - Shown when no name is entered.
- no_email.phtml - Shown when no email or an invalid email is entered.
- no_url.phtml - Shown when no URL or an invalid URL is entered.
- no_cc.phtml - Shown when no credit card number or an invalid number is entered.
The FORM tag must be as follows: either
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/mail" METHOD="POST">
<FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/mail" METHOD="GET">
All variables must be defined in your form in one of two ways:
Input Type Hidden - This allows you to embed values into your form that don't change.
<input type="hidden" name="VARIABLE" value="VALUE">
Input Type Text - This inserts an input box which allows the user of the form to specify the value of the variable.
<input type="text" name="VARIABLE">
Select - This inserts a drop-down menu that allows the user to choose from a list.
<select name="VARIABLE">
<option> Option 1
<option> Another option
Refer to this example to see how these are actually used in a real form.
(required) - Must be set to the destination email address to which contents of the form should be sent.
- Any additional email addresses to which the email message should be sent.
The URL or file that will be the "next hop" after the form is submitted. This can either be a URL (starting with http://...), or a local HTML file with or without subcodes. This file should be specified with either its full path (/users/j/johndoe/www/whatever.phtml) or by the full path starting from the DocumentRoot directory of your Virtual Server. For instance, if your Virtual Server points to
, and your file were located in/users/j/johndoe/www/domain/dir/file.phtml
, then you would specify "/dir/file.phtml" as the value of this variable.If a file is specified, the file is parsed and the values of the other variables in the form may be inserted in the file before output using an advanced parsing engine. See the mail system manual page for details.
If a URL is specified, no parsing is possible. If a file is specified, make sure you use absolute links within it.
If not specified, mail will present a default page that says "Message Sent" and has a link that points to the root of the Virtual Server on which the form was located.
File to be used as a template to construct the outbound email message. Data from the form can be inserted using subcodes (just like the file specified by
). For more info on the parsing engine and how subcodes work, see the mail systeam manual page. This file starts in the header of the email message. This means that the first line of the file is a mail header. The mail header continues until the first blank line. There must be a blank line to separate the header from the body. Typically, The first line would be just the Subject: header. So a template file would start off with a line that reads:Subject: ${subject}
followed by a blank line. Do not forget to have a blank line after the headers. If you do, your message will fail. -
- The subject of the form. The value of this variable is used in the subject line of the generated email message if you don't use an email template.
- A return (origin) email address, and a file to be used as a template to send an email message to the person filling out the form at the address he/she supplies in the "email" field of the form. The template used follows the exact same parsing conventions as that specified by the "emailtemplate" variable.
Value is of the form "username; keyid"
Consists of a username, a semi-colon, and a PGP User ID. The username tells PGP whose public keyring to search. The PGP User ID tells PGP what public key to find in the keyring. The public key is then used to encrypt the body of the email message, which may then only be decrypted by the person(s) holding the corresponding private (secret) key. This encryption allows for the sending of highly sensitive information via email, such as personal and financial information typically accompanying product/service orders. -
- The name of the person submitting the form. This variable would typically be set using an input box of type text, allowing the submitter to enter their name. It is used to set the name of the sender on the outbound email message.
- The email address of the person submitting the form. This variable would typically be set using an input box of type text, allowing the submitter to enter their email address. It is used to set the email address of the sender on the outbound email message so that the message can be replied to.
Value is of the form "variable variable; file"
A require rule tells mail not to send any mail if any of the variables listed before the semicolon do not contain any data. If the rule is not satisfied, the file or URL specified after the semicolon is sent instead. -
Value is of the form "variable variable; file"
An is_email rule tells mail not to send any mail if any of the variables listed before the semicolon do not contain properly formatted Internet email addresses. If the rule is not satisfied, the file or URL specified after the semicolon is sent instead. -
Value is of the form "variable variable; file"
An is_web rule tells mail not to send any mail if any of the variables listed before the semicolon do not contain properly formatted WWW addresses. If the rule is not satisfied, the file or URL specified after the semicolon is sent instead. -
Value is of the form "variable variable; file"
An is_ccard rule tells mail not to send any mail if any of the variables listed before the semicolon do not contain a credit card number that passes standard mathematical checksums. This does NOT check to see if the card is active or even exists. Rather, it just checks to see if the number can be used as a valid credit card number. If the rule is not satisfied, the file or URL specified after the semicolon is sent instead. -
- The URL of another script to which the contents of the form should be posted. This allows you to have the contents of a form mailed to you AND processed by your own script without requiring the user to fillin two forms. To protect against loops, the name of the bgprocess variable is changed to "_bgprocess" before the post is done. Method POST is always used regardless of how the mail script was originally called. The repost is done in the background, and the reponse from the specified script is discarded.
The URL of another script to which the contents of the form should be posted. This allows you to have the contents of a form mailed to you AND processed by your own script without requiring the user to fillin two forms. To protect against loops, the name of the fgprocess variable is changed to "_fgprocess" before the post is done. Method POST is always used regardless of how the mail script was originally called. The repost is done in the foreground, and the response from the specified script is sent directly to the browser, as if the mail script generated it. When
is used and a valid URL is specified, thenext
variable is completely ignored.
If you are unclear on any of this, you may wish to see this Forms Tutorial to learn more about HTML forms.
Server Side Includes (SSI)
Apache HTTPd allows users to create documents which provide simple information to clients on the fly. Such information can include the current date, the file's last modification date, and the size or last modification of other files. In its more advanced usage, it can provide a powerful interface to CGI and /bin/sh programs.
Documents that have Server-Side Includes within must be designated as such. They should either 1) end in .shtml or 2) have the user execute bit set. This can be done by logging in via telnet and typing "chmod u+x filename" at the "netmar>" prompt.
Access Configuration
Your Netmar account allows you to create per-directory ACF's, or Access Control Files, to limit who can access certain HTML documents and how they can be accessed. This can be done by creating a .htaccess file. This file is made up of directives which are specified below.
Password Protecting an Area
The most common use of per-directory ACF's is for password protecting an area of your web site. This requires only a few of the access directives. They are:
- AuthUserFile FILENAME
- FILENAME is the filename with full path (e.g. starting with /users) that specifies the location of the password file for this area.
- AuthName TEXT
- TEXT is whatever prompt text you want to appear in the password box. Exactly how this will be shown depends on the browser, but most browsers simply show a box that says something to the effect of, "Enter password for" and then whatever text you enter here.
- AuthType Basic
- This is required and should be entered in your .htaccess file as-is.
- This is the sectioning directive. It works just like HTML in that there is also a tag to denote the end of this section. This should be entered just as above.
- require valid-user
- This is the access requirement the server will observe for this area. and should be entered INSIDE the LIMIT section. The word "valid-user" tells the server that it must be a username/password combination appearing in the password file specifed by your AuthUserFile directive. Other requirements may also be specified. See the require directive in the list below.
Click here to see an example of an ACF for password control along with step-by-step instructions for creating the password file itself.
This is a list of the directives and sectioning directives used when writing an ACF. Each directive specifies where it can be used, and gives examples of usage. Parameters to these directives must be enclosed in "double quotes"
- Options
- AddType
- DefaultType
- AddEncoding
- AddDescription
- AddIcon
- IndexIgnore
- DefaultIcon
- ReadmeName
- AuthName
- AuthType
- AuthUserFile
- AuthGroupFile
- Limit
Virtual Servers
This is a very popular option for your Netmar account. The virtual server makes it appear to the rest of the web that you have your own dedicated web server.
In the "olden" days, if you got a web page, and then registered your own domain name, your URL just became http://yourdomain.com/yourdomain
, and if someone left off the end part, and just typed in http://yourdomain.com
, they actually ended up staring at your provider's homepage!.
The Virtual Server did away with all that, allowing http://provider.com and http://yourdomain.com to be served out of two completely separate directory trees, even though both are on the same physical machine.
To use a virtual server you must first have a domain name registered with InterNIC, which is the organization responsible for keeping track of all domain names on the world wide web.
To register, simply go to the online template. The template is accompanied by detailed instructions available as links on how to fill out the appropriate sections. Having filled out the template, you then send it to the Netmar staff, and we create the virtual host and complete the registration process. This can take anywhere from two days(if the template is properly filled out) to eight weeks (if there are mistakes or omissions which require human reviewers). However, once the registration is complete, your virtual server will be up and running, complete with its own domain name and corresponding IP address.
Email Aliasing
You can create email aliases in your virtual server by using the .aliasmap file. The details on how to configure this file can be found in the alias manual page.
Default Standard Error File
Another feature of your Netmar Virtual server is that you can create your own custom error document to be displayed when web browsers look for a page that doesn't exist. To do this, simply create a file called 'default-error.html' in the document root directory of your virtual server. NOTE: This is a simple html file. Simply make it like any other Web page, except this one is to tell the user that they went to an incorrect site.
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