My Account

Welcome to your account home page, from here you can --

  • Manage your website details through your control panel :   Just follow the link to either a Plesk or Usermin login page.  If you don't know which you have, just send us an email or submit a ticket to the support desk.  The control panel will let you set custom error pages, edit your email aliases (please inform us if you want to do this -- we have to enable user editing on some accounts), and control various other aspects of your website.
  • Register or renew a domain name :     You can also manage your current domains.  Mangement or renewal requires the username and password that you used when registering the domain, as well as the domain name itself.  If you are unsure, just enter the domain name and the system will offer to email you the proper credentials.  This will only work if you still have access to the email used to register the domain.  If not, just contact us and we'll send you a form that you can use to update your domain profile.
  • Get help at the support desk :  Our newest way to make sure that you get the help you need.  Just submit a ticket describing your problem, and you'll be able to track every step that we take to resolve it.  If you're not familiar with ticketing systems, just think of it as an sending a shipment with tracking info.
  • Check your email using webmail :    This feature is for our non-Plesk accounts only, if you use Plesk, your webmail is integrated into the control panel.
  • Pay your bill :    Just enter the amount on your latest invoice on our secure payment form.  (Let us know how you like the new form!)


You can also give us a review or participate in our latest poll -- just take a look at the right of this page to get started.  If you have any questions or anything that you think is missing from this page.