We use this space to communicate various announcements to our users on a regular basis. It's our way of staying in touch with you, and keeping you up to date on the latest goings-on here at Netmar.
Be sure to watch this space every week for the latest information on system upgrades and changes, special events and promotions, and other news from the Netmar staff.
Here's a sample:
************************************************************************* ANNOUNCEMENTS ************************************************************************* Week of February 26th to March 3rd We've made some minor additions to the system that we hope will be of help to you: 1) Server Side Includes are now enabled in user directories. However, for security purposes, the "cmd" tag of the "exec" command is disabled. Rather, you may run pre-written CGI scripts usin CgiWrap. See the "cgiwrap" man page for more info, either by typing "man cgiwrap" at the "netmar>" prompt, or by entering "cgiwrap" in the search box at [http://info.netmar.com/man/search.html]. 2) We've added the newest versions of Info-Zip zip and unzip programs. These programs create and extract PK-Zip compatible zip files. See the "zip" and "unzip" man pages for more info. * * * * * * * * * * * END OF ANNOUNCEMENTS * * * * * * * * * * *