Section 3: Tarheel Mall Summary

Here, you can get a quick look at the traffic of the Tarheel Mall. Since these are just the hits on the homepage and the main listing page, and since the server actually answers more than 2,000,000 requests a month, these number indicate the new users who are coming to the Mall who have not yet added their favorite places onto their bookmark lists.
Here's a sample. Click on the links within to see detailed definitions of the terms:

These are the statistics regarding the number of people who have been
into the mall and into the shops section of the mall.

%Req is the % of all requests which this item represents.

%Bytes is the % of all bytes transmitted which this item represents.

Bytes is the number of bytes transmitted in the name of this URL.

Requests is the number of times this URL has been asked for and sent.

URL is the name of the document.

%Req  %Bytes      Bytes    Requests     URL
 0.14  0.03      1122052      736 | /
 0.10  0.02       765054      516 | /